Painting with a what? A twist!

painting with a twist

So there is a new hot spot in Braintree, MA where you can enjoy a night with friends exploring your inner Van Gogh.  Who, you ask? You may need to get out more often! He was the artist who allegedly cut off his own ear.  Fun fact:  new evidence has surfaced that his friend Gauguin may have been responsible for his injury.  That’s not a very starry, starry night for either of them.  However, the night I painted was indeed a good one for me.  So are you looking for something fun and different to do with your friends?  It’s called Painting with a Twist.  This is the place.  I was fortunate enough to be invited for a free session on a night when the event was a fundraiser for childhood cancer, which was really something.  It was a sold out event and twice a month Painting with a Twist hosts a fundraising event and gives 50% of the proceeds to charity.  Yes, you read that right – 50 % which is a large amount.  Most places give 10 or 15% but I was told by the owner Matt Varcher that since he and his wife Candice opened their doors 7 months ago, they have given somewhere between $8,000-9,000 to charities through this program.  That is really cool.  They are cool, hip and happy owners who make the experience enjoyable for all.

I thought the twist was that they donated to charity but the twist is you can bring your own beverages and food and make a painting party for you and your friends.  You can book a private event or you can join others.  Although I didn’t know anyone there, my seat mates and I had a good time.  I found myself totally engrossed in the painting experience.  I don’t think I have painted since elementary school and that certainly wasn’t on canvas.  And believe me, I looked at the painting we were supposed to do (pictured above) a few days before the event and I thought, “There’s no way I can do that, especially the rope“.  Somehow we all managed.  In fact, there were a great number of compliments flying around the room and I don’t think it was the wine talking.  As far as I know, no one drank their dirty paint water which Matt cautions everyone to be careful not to do, even though it is non-toxic!  The other thing I thought was funny was the email confirmation said they reserved the right to paint a moustache on anyone who came late.  I didn’t see this email until later but I may have gone late to see if they would actually do it.  Hey, why not be moustached, that’s kind of cool, right?  I would have requested a Salvador Dali ‘stache – all thin and curly at the ends!  Evidently, a couple of people have been moustached, according to Matt.  Good sports, right?  Let’s face it, it adds to the fun.

So go check it out right here.   Whether you channel your inner artist or you just have drinks and laughs with friends, it is time well spent.  Even Van Gogh would approve.  It is a starry night.  Here is the calendar of events so you don’t have to work too hard.  And if you don’t live in MA, don’t worry, there are plenty of other locations. Happy painting!  
In case you were wondering, here is my masterpiece!

In case you were wondering, here is my masterpiece!


Mother’s Day or Kid’s Day? Hmmm…..

For Mother’s Day every year, I try to relax and enjoy myself.  It’s my holiday, right?  Out of 365 days in a year, I take time off from parental duty on my birthday and Mother’s Day.  Well, I still make meals and do maybe a load of laundry (reluctantly, of course) but I have coffee in bed (delivered to me by two of the cutest room service attendants ever – my kids!) and I only do things with them that day that I want to do. And trust me, this is totally out of the norm. I have been known to throw out a whole schedule of chores or plans to accommodate an impromptu request to go to the beach or the mall.

In any event, the day before I prepare my children for my mini-holiday by requesting they tell me any errands they need done so I can totally enjoy a day without my things-to-do list. I don’t need fancy presents or dinners out; I just require peace and quiet.  I love the gifts they make at school and treasure those always.  Truth be told, they have more meaning than a store bought item and I think most people would agree on that.  This year as I am giving my speech about how Mother’s Day is like my birthday, my son Zachary chimes in, “That’s not fair that you get a special day.  We don’t get a holiday.  We should get a Kid’s Day!”  This was said so innocently that I had to laugh.  “What Zac?  Are you serious?  Every day is kid’s day,”  I replied.  He retorted, “No, it isn’t.”  Say what? 

I have given some thought to his request for a special holiday.  Sometimes I chuckle to myself and other times, I shake my head in disbelief.  As children, we have no concept of how good we have it.  No one’s childhood is perfect but it is certainly more carefree than being an adult, for the most part.  I caught sight of the paper bouquet that he made for me last Mother’s Day and read his answers to the writing prompts again.  I thought of him working away at his desk at school, trying so hard to come up with answers that would please me.  Maybe he is on to something with a day that celebrates kids?  Maybe we should skip all the formality and just enjoy each other each and every day….all of it….the pranks, the complaints, the calls from the principal’s office (trust me, there is little joy in these).  One prank I won’t forget is when my two kids secretly and vigorously shook a bottle of cranberry ginger ale and then asked for a glass.  Had I been remotely astute, I would have seen the mischievous grins and glances to one another.  Of course, when I opened it, red liquid exploded everywhere and I mean everywhere!  And yes, my kitchen is white.  They were in total hysterics.  With ginger ale drenching my hair, shirt, cabinets, all I could do was hear their laughter and I started laughing and said,  “Good one.  That was clever.”  Enjoy your special day and every day as a mother!  Happy Mother’s Day!

Words of sweetness and sincerity

Words of sweetness and sincerity



New collaboration with

Hello dear followers, I have entered into a new collaboration with the fine folks at and I am sharing my first post from them!  It is about healthy eating and juicing, which you all know is near and dear to me. If you read it, which I highly recommend that you do, you will know that I didn’t write it, because it mentions a husband and I don’t have one (not yet anyway!).  However, I did make a long-term commitment to a blender and it has been a happily-ever-after juicing story.  Enjoy this piece and try the recipe!

Healthy Eating: A delicious way to keep your family healthy!


I posted a carrot-based juice recipe this past Sunday and got some great responses to it.  This makes me really happy.  It means that I’m not wasting my time blogging. Also, it means that I’m helping other families with their healthy eating!  This is really important to me; healthy eating is a lifestyle, rather than just a response to guilt from a bad week of snacking.  Juicing has been one of the ways to keep a healthy eating lifestyle maintained with as little fuss as possible.  I’d like to share another inspiration that I had yesterday.  This one comes in the form of a beet-based juice.  For those wary of the mess: just be tidy, this one’s worth it!

Healthy Eating:  Beautiful Ginger Beetroot

  • 1 beet, washed, peeled and diced to size
  • 1 apple (I prefer Granny Smith), washed
  • Between ½ and 1 whole Tbsp of fresh ginger
  • 2-4 medium sized carrots, washed and skinned
  • DRINK FRESH!  This fresh vegetable juice has no preservatives, which means the beautiful concoction you’ve just made will spoil easily.  Serve it up and make use of all those raw nutrients!
Healthy eating has never been so easy.  This particular juice recipe is sure to tantalize the taste buds of any family member.  My husband’s eyes light up almost as much as my kid’s when he hears our juicer whirring!  Honestly, I might have to start making this one by the gallon.  Beets, while they can be messy if not handled properly, are an amazing source of nutrients.  Most of us don’t get enough of these minerals in our diets and opt for daily multivitamins.  I prefer to get my nutrients from raw and whole sources when possible, so the fact that this tasty recipe helps me do so is another reason to keep making it – enjoy!
This post has been provided by Yellowbrick an online educational community for parents.
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