The weight of the matter

Weight is a big deal in our society, right?  We are on what seems like an eternal quest for the perfect figure.  More than a year ago and a few extra pounds, I wrote a piece called ‘Thin as a rail’.  It is linked here but the main idea was that when I was heavier, most people did not mention my weight.  The person (a stranger, actually) in the ‘Thin’ piece just had no filter, shall I say?  However, now that I have lost weight, it is essentially a free-for-all of weight comments from anyone who is in the mood to make a comment.  Some people act like they are genuinely concerned about me. And maybe they are.  I also realize this may not always be the case.  I just don’t say anything.  Are you feeling okay?  You have lost a lot of weight, huh?  Others say something caustic like You could afford to eat a sandwich, if I order a soup, for example.  And the same people mention my weight every time they see me.  They often depart with the words, Don’t lose any more weight!  Oh, okay, thank you….just for you, I won’t.

The truth of it is why does anyone care what I weigh?  Who cares?  I don’t care what anyone else weighs.  I don’t even know what I weigh.  Or when the last time was that I weighed myself.  And just to set the record straight:  I don’t have an eating disorder, I am not sick and no, I am not on a diet.  There I got that off my chest.  I feel better.  Well, not really.  Because I guess what bothers me the most about weight talk is that I wonder if we all forget about the person inside the body.  Whether I am heavy or thin, I am still Mary.  And I have feelings and a heart.  And a brain.  At least I don’t think I gave birth to my brain when I had children.  My Dad tells me repeatedly and I know I have told you before, “Mary, in one ear and out the other.” He says this in his stern, gravelly voice and I can hear it in my head.  This is sage advice from a man almost 85 years old who seems unfazed by careless comments that come his way but for me and I am sure many of you, insensitive comments still travel through our brains and often the comments or behavior of others sits there longer than we would like.

So as I sit here sipping coffee from a mug with the inscription ‘Let it go’, I guess I am going to have to do just that.  Let it go.  However, I am almost wishing I had a ‘Let it fester’ version!  I recently told a friend how I felt in regard to this subject and she replied, “Don’t be so sensitive”.  Ha!  That’s a good one.  I do not consider myself sensitive.  I worked for years in the business of advertising.  I am raising two children alone; one is a teenager (need I say more?). I was raised in an Irish home.  And I could go on and on.  But I won’t.  I would be a human piece of Swiss cheese if I let everything get to me.  Wouldn’t we all?  So what things are people saying about you that bother you? Please weigh in and let me know.  Because the weight of the matter is really the heart of the matter.  Hmmmm.  Food for thought.  No pun intended.  Seriously.  Until next time…..

See? I don't look like Swiss cheese, right?

See? I don’t look like Swiss cheese, do I?





I can see again – in style – thanks to

Sometimes the right product comes along at the right time.  It was like mental telepathy when the fine folks at reached out to me to try their on-line eyeglass website.  I wanted a new pair of eyeglasses for some time. Truthfully, I have a minor lens prescription, but I have been struggling with road signs as I am driving.  It is particularly noticeable at night.  My old glasses were so dated and frankly, hideous that my vanity would only allow me to use them at night (for safety reasons, of course!) And with the holidays right around the corner, I didn’t have the spare funds to appease my vanity.  Notice I am discussing my vanity as if it is a third party acting on it’s own accord. is a user-friendly site – easy to navigate, simple to set up an account and you can upload a photo and “try on” different styles.  There are no trips to the store and since I know what I like and don’t like, the site requires no engaging with “helpful” salespeople who may or may not be on a commission, if you know what I mean.  The hardest part was choosing a frame because there are so many wonderful choices.  They have every shape, style and color.  So you choose the one that is right for you and you can have your order finished in less than 10 minutes. I am not kidding.  provides you with a comprehensive tracking system so you can actively and accurately follow the trip your eyeglasses make to your doorstep.  Then one day before you know it, you go to the mailbox and voila! – the eyeglasses have arrived.  For me, it was like an early Christmas.  The case is covered in a cool map pattern, the glasses fit perfectly and the prescription was done correctly!  What can I say?  A seamless transaction and another happy customer!

The famous or in some cases, infamous writer Dorothy Parker once quipped, “Men don’t make passes at girls that wear glasses” but I beg to differ. Well, I don’t really know yet but you can see my new look below and be the judge of that.  So get yourself over to and update your look.  After all, eyeglasses are an important accessory and the glasses are so affordable at  that you can afford to buy more than one pair!

New glasses - bolder, more stylish look. Great case too.

New glasses – bolder, more stylish look. Great case, too.



The ‘Mighty Mug’ is fit for a camel – even the human kind!

So I got your attention, didn’t I?  Good, that was my goal. I could have said the ‘Mighty Mug’ is mighty but that would be, well….redundant.  But it is mighty and it stands true to the claim that it will not tip over no matter how many times it is bumped into.  In my house where my rambunctious 7-year-old can knock over any drink, vase or collectible I own without even trying, this drink container is a breathe of fresh air.  And a carafe of fresh water which is another advantage to having the ‘Mighty Mug’ handy.  But I will get to that in a bit.

The company sent me their product to try and it was seamless from the beginning.  I ordered the style and color I wanted (and they have plenty to choose from – truthfully, it was hard to pick just one).  Then it arrived within the time frame promised, it was packaged beautifully and I got right down to using it.  The main selling point is that it adheres to any smooth, dry surface so it won’t ever spill.  And it doesn’t spill.  I have been using it for two weeks in a home with rugs that require regular cleaning from beverage spills and it has never been knocked over!  I even tried to knock it over several times and I couldn’t.

I could go on about all the features – BPA free, flexible straw to encourage sipping, holds hot or cold beverages, fits in the car cup holder, is durable and more but there are two things I absolutely love about this product – one, it is my new fashion accessory (plastic bottles that pollute landfills are totally passé) and two, I am drinking water again!!  And trust me, I need to drink water.  But I despised drinking it before I had the Mighty Mug.  I thought I was a dromedary.  Good word, huh?  It comes from my son’s vocabulary list this week.  Pretty sophisticated for age 7, huh? For the record, it is a one hump camel. But you already knew that, right?   The list also included the word ‘arid’ which was how my skin was feeling before the Mighty Mug.  So for those reasons and many more, I highly recommend this product. And right now until Friday, October 16th, readers can save 25% by simply using the code iteez25 at check-out.  So head on over to and get one for yourself.  You will not be disappointed!!  And if you do buy one and you love it, please hit me up here with your story. Happy hydrating!

mighty mug

My latest fashion accessory; a stylish way to stay hydrated, even for a dromedary!